Yaquin Si
Matteo Ferrari
Her multiple cultural background made her aware of the nihility of absoluteness. She believes reality is about perspectives. She aims to create alien circumstances through her work that allows people to see the world in a way that distances them from their established views.
Matteo Ferrari studies human geography at the university of Bologna. He is temporarily relocated in Berlin to study the interactions occurred in some of the city districts, between underground music and squatting practices, from the beginning of the 1980s and first years of the 1990s.
A post-war history and film buff, Andrea has studied English and Scandinavian cultures at the University of Milan before undertaking a degree in Social Communication and Journalism at the University of Wroclaw. He is currently an exchange student in Potsdam where he is researching on German cinema and memorialisation for his Master’s thesis. In the age of the voracious globalisation and vehemence of the new media we are witnessing an explosion of collective and individual memory output like never before. The past is seemingly ever more present insofar as scholars have argued of an “hypertrophy of memory”. In this talk Andrea aims to briefly introduce and reflect on a few concepts in the field of memory studies along the lines of scholars such as Huyssen, Rothberg and Nora in order to stimulate an exchange of ideas on the current issues.

Born Silva Cantele on some hills not that far from Venice, is a modern folk one man band. Since 2011 he brings his bluesy roots and his desert voice all around Europe and the US singing about love and despair, rage and hope, shades and lights on the wings of a sharp fingerstyle technique. In over 400 concerts, he got to share the stage with Eric Andersen, Sigur Ros, Timber Timbre, John García, Blonde Red Head, Daniel Norgren, Scott Kelly, Micah P Hinson and more. Not to be missed if you love Tom Waits, The Tallest Man On Earth, Johnny Cash, Nick Cave or John Butler.
Andrea Briscoli
Phil Reynolds
Garance is working as a designer and artist between Berlin and France. Graduated from a Master’s in textile design in an industrial design school of Paris in 2018 (ENSCI) she works at the intersection of various fields and disciplines. Freelancer in one hand, collaborating with clients in product, graphic and more specifically in textile design, she also often exhibits the works she realizes during art residencies in different countries (France, Mexico and soon in Marroco). Research is always at the core of her practice, questioning notions such as habitat, our relationship with landscape and space, the evolution of handicrafts and social and technical issues related to textile in particular. She will start the conversation with an introduction about the origins of textile construction : weaving, knitting, knotting and other hand crafts as a way to construct a world, a community and a culture. Based on experiences and projects ran with craftsmen and women in Mexico for example, the position of the designer will be questioned and maybe compared to textile : a complex interwoven structure of submissive materials (yarns) building a whole out of small parts - a surface adapting and being resilient to the environnement, in a function of care and softness.

Neven: 9.7.70 sisak in Yugoslavia, now Croatia. Moved to Germany as an infant grew up in Winnenden near Stuttgart. Graduated at Humboldt university in theroretical physics in 1999, founded several weird companies, all failures In between jobs as spectroscopist, bussines councellor, innovation assistant...you name it. Worked as a teacher for six years out of desperation (and the need to provide for his children) then quit all jobs to pursue his dream: reaching space. Now: developing an electronic zipper (fashion tech), sponsored by an old friend, one of the last that still believes in me...

Leonie grew up in northern Germany and came to Berlin in 2011. After a bachelor in philosophy she changed her career plans and became a social worker. She is currently working in child protection services dealing with children in vulnerable situations.
Garance Maurer
Neven Dološ
Leonie Coers
“Vasts archives of digital memories are being generated every time, everywhere, by every electronic device. We store them in hard drives, we use the cloud to save them, pretending they are going to last forever, pretending we will never forget that day, that love, that sunset once is transferred.”
Matilde Bassetti is a parttime babysitter and a full-time mover, born in Florence, she has been living across different places in Italy. In 2017 she bought a one-way ticket to Berlin giving some distance to the relationship she had with her country. With her artistic practice, she investigates how performativity communicates with our daily life, letting our basic needs to be again at the center of the art speech. She is inspired by everyday habits, silliness, and vulnerability of human beings. At the moment her needs are : digital connection, trash culture, clubbing, love, Vietnamese food

Juliana Rivas is an activist involved and interested in many Latin American struggles. Studied sociology in Chile and a Master on Urban Studies in Berlin. Has worked in different public institutions in Chile in areas related to sociourban issues. Participates in the political group Bloque Latinoamericano Berlin and in the political commission of Cabildo Berlin, a self-organized assembly that works to support the Chilean rebellion. Has participated in feminist groups in Punta Arenas, Chile and in Berlin, Germany.

W*MAIPS is a female* street performance collective/open platform in Berlin that connects dance, theatre, music, visual art and activism. Our focus is to play, question and change the interactions in the public space. We come from different artistic backgrounds, we share an intersectional feminist queer perspective and practices of embodiment.
Matilde Bassetti
Juliana Rivas
Diana Sirriani & Susi Rosenbohm
Immanuel Rohringer is a nativ Berliner back in town. He is an artist and researcher looking for an holistic lifestyle. Works with body and mind. So he checks the borders and tries to understand why? He draws with the sewing machien. In black light you can see another side of the works.

Giuseppe is an Italian lawyer and a freelance journalist, mainly working in the fields of criminal, migration and labor law. In Berlin, he is currently dealing with cases of international criminal law and human rights violations. As a criminal defense attorney, he is often asked how he can defend criminals.
Anna Buttignol, born in Friuli, psychologist and psychotherapist. She offers individual and couple therapy in her private practice in Berlin, where she has been living since 2011.

Vincenzo Marzotti, roman, economist. In 2013 starts an enterprise in Berlin organizing cultural events with focus on live music and photo exhibitions. Through years develops a deep knowledge of Sicily.
Immanuel Rohringer
Giuseppe Sambataro
Anna Buttignol & Vincenzo Marzotti
Immanuel Rohringer is a nativ Berliner back in town. He is an artist and researcher looking for an holistic lifestyle. Works with body and mind. So he checks the borders and tries to understand why? He draws with the sewing machien. In black light you can see another side of the works.

Giuseppe is an Italian lawyer and a freelance journalist, mainly working in the fields of criminal, migration and labor law. In Berlin, he is currently dealing with cases of international criminal law and human rights violations. As a criminal defense attorney, he is often asked how he can defend criminals.
Anna Buttignol, born in Friuli, psychologist and psychotherapist. She offers individual and couple therapy in her private practice in Berlin, where she has been living since 2011.

Vincenzo Marzotti, roman, economist. In 2013 starts an enterprise in Berlin organizing cultural events with focus on live music and photo exhibitions. Through years develops a deep knowledge of Sicily.
Kurt is a purified economist and disguised artist. Now he tries to successfully combine both with the unclouded optimism that you can find in a puppy’s eyes to create more public awareness and appreciation for the arts and crafts as a gallerist of the 21 st century. But the struggle is real.

Studio jetzt-immer is a Berlin based design studio focused on editorial design and typography-driven graphic design, rooted in the belief that design is a social and political practice. The studio is founded and run by Danish/Swedish designers Amanda-Li Kollberg and Siri Lee Lindskrog.

__in conversation with__ is an exhibition format aiming at bringing people together through conversation and subsequent collaboration. Artists are invited to engage in dialogue with curators, authors, other artists, art historians, journalists or scientists and to develop an exhibition from it. The conversations are documented in writing, serving as text material accompanying the exhibition. They enable visitors to develop a deeper understanding of the artists’ methods and of the artworks.
__in conversation with__ is based on the premise that it is the artists themselves who can best provide information about their works, their methods, their ideas and inspirations. One simply needs to ask. The curatorial project was initiated in early 2018 by Katharina Wendler in Berlin and is guest of various (project) spaces.
Kurt Bille
Amanda-Li Kollberg and Siri Lee Lindskrog
Katharina Wendler
Eva Bakardjiev is a Somatic Coach. The past turbulent month inspired her to dive into a curious exploration of the attitude, quality, and the embodied state of curiosity. It can be a game-changer when it comes to shifting stress and regulating our nervous system to reawaken our ability to be interested and learn, be receptive, responsive, and innovative.

Rolf Kemnitzer, born 1964, is trying to live in Berlin. He is in love with theatre and has had his best and worst experiences there. Since 2018 he has an affair with contemporary drama which is, like most affairs, not that easy.

Lernlabor is a Berlin-based social business that creates innovative educational projects. Through their local and international activities, they foster (inter)cultural exchange and experiential learning. During Conversas he will talk, among other things, about the local initiative Café Bamako, a place for West African culture in Berlin.
Eva Bakardjiev
Rolf Kemnitzer
Peter Mitchell
Freie Radios Berlin is made up of several independent radio collectives; StudioAnsage, CoLaboRadio and PiRadio. FRB make independent community-focused radio and this year they constructed a new central studio at Haus der Statistik.

The latin architect Costanza Rossi has focused the past years on critically reviewing housing, analyzing it from a feminist perspective. In 2020, single-family and one-person houses are still mainly built in the West and in Westernized areas. These housing formats impede us from sharing reproductive work, such as cooking, cleaning, caring, raising, etc.

For several years Max has been active in the fight against climate change. He studied International Politics in the Netherlands, France and Germany and has worked in various organisations in the field of climate policy. To combat climate change, he believes, we have to change the rules of our economic system - and it may be simpler than you think. Besides racking his head on the current climate emergency, Max likes to chase the sun or delve into the world of music.
Rosanna Lovell and Jürg Meister
Contanza Rossi
Max Friedrich
Stefan is a 'Bildarchitekt' and seems to be as concerned about conversation as Conversas Berlin.

msk7 is a Berlin artist group that mainly creates temporary events in public space. The group has been working together since 2004. (All members once studied Fine Arts at the Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin.) Their most recent project RESIDENZPFLICHT awards 10 one-month residency scholarships to international artists for living and working in 10 different Berlin refugee accommodations.

Sun Seeker e.V. has built an urban gardening lab and garden community at Haus der Statistik. From workshops from beet to table, to testing aquaponic systems to an artistic approach to cultivating mushrooms, they are testing how to create green spaces for the combination of food, culture and community in the city.
Stefan Heinrich Ebner
Kati Gausmann and Ricarda Mieth
Jonas Merold, Isis-Victoria Rampf
Valeria and Erik are presenting the MITKUNSTZENTRALE - a place of encounter, exchange, jointly developed knowledge, production and collection, sharpening of concept, an cooperation on (climate-sensitive) artistic objects and spaces in the Haus der Materialisierung, part of Haus der Statistik. We are working on a collective developed space, which, together, with a wood workshop, showroom, open-air-oven, discourse and exhibition rooms, is now located at the Haus der Statistik and is so for the future!

As partner of Teleinternetcafe the work of Urs Kumberger operates at the interface of architecture and urban design. It is characterized by process-oriented strategies, cooperative approaches and an experimental approach to typologies. An intensive engagement with each place provides the starting point for the search for open forms of the city.

The work of Andreas Lang reveals the different layers of history, mythology and the present, to create a narrative image. A form of visual archaeology, at times blending or colliding with immanent social, political and ecological realities. In this way the picture also becomes a place for the imaginary and projection. It appears at times like a stage or filmset, pending in limbo somewhere between reality and imagination, past and present.
Valeria Fahrenkrog and Erik Göngrich
Urs Kumberger
Andréas Lang