Ruhi Amin and B Duncan
Linda Havenstein
Carla Maria
Slanted House is a collective of artists and writers based between Berlin, Paris and London. Slanted House makes space for queer creators and talented individuals who challenge the restraints of the contemporary art and publishing worlds. Queer is not only a crucial noun and identity but also a verb. To queer is to crack open, skew and twist normative imperatives. We seek work that challenges typical form, style and content as well as identification, gender, sex and desire. Our art exhibitions include readings, performances and the circulation of new issues of the Slanted House Zine.
Linda is a media artist based in Berlin.
Her works are build on intense research and deal with questions surrounding bodies and technology in the context of intellectual history.
At Conversas, she will introduce her working process and De/Reconstruct/Discuss decisions and choices made during the making of a work. In a brainstorming-like setting, we will try to reframe some of the decisions and maybe even find alternative results?
Empowerment project acting in India and Kenya. We provide training using fair trade programs for women in vulnerable situations or without a fixed source of income. By teaching women how to create handmade pieces out of recycled materials, we want to generate new social and economic opportunities for them.